LASAG has been shown to exhibit four different modes of action:
- Antiviral effect: LASAG reduced virus propagation in infected host cells by inhibiting NFκB pathway and preventing the export of viral RNPs out of the nucleus
- Immunomodulatory effect: LASAG inhibits NFκB also in immune cells (especially those in the lung) and reduces inflammatory cytokine release, thereby reducing the “hyperinflammatory” state
- Antithrombotic effect: Inflammatory processes cause thrombotic effects, further complicating pneumonia and causing multi-organ failure, which can be prevented by the antithrombotic (platelet inhibition) effect of LASAG
- Analgetic effect: ASA has been used as analgetic medication for decades, and inhaled LASAG offers the advantage of a rapid systemic uptake through the airways and very fast bioavailability of ASA